
Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Live Free or Die

Free with ads on YouTube.   If you enjoyed Die Hard's outrageous collection of impossible "I fell a couple stories and got up to fight again" stunts and Bruce Willis' sharply delivered witty lines, you will likely enjoy this.  

I started watching during yesterday's treadmill brisk walk.  It is one of those films that is the film equivalent of a bag of Fritos: once you start, how can you stop?

Not really a spoiler: you will figure this out in the first couple minutes.  World's best black hat hacker against the U.S. Government's least effective cybersecurity team.  Det. John McClane gets dragged in by an arrest request.

Most of the cyber stuff is absurd but they have least one thing right (and I hope they have this right in the real world by now): The only truly secure systems have airgaps to the Internet.   This is what NSA and Mossad had to defeat to destroy Iran's uranium enrichment centrifuges a few years ago.

Speaking of which: Why are there no toasters on the Internet of Things?  Imagine your toaster app telling you your toast is up.  Imagine a Chinese hacker overheating your toaster until it starts your kitchen on fire.

1 comment:

  1. "This is what NSA and Mossad had to defeat to destroy Iran's uranium enrichment centrifuges a few years ago."

    Which means even air-gapped systems aren't "secure", they are merely (and I mean merely) "more secure".
