
Friday, July 8, 2022

I Am Not Going to Blame the California Refugees

7/7/22 KTVB:
"New data from the Idaho State Police Bureau of Criminal Identification's “Crime in Idaho” report for 2021 shows the number of reported rape cases is up 11.83% compared to 2020. Cases of incest are also exponentially higher over the year with an increase of 833.33%."

Our whole society is collapsing at so many levels.  The decision to believe in nothing in order to believe in anything is bearing its expected fruit.  "But they is not what we wanted."  No, but is what happens.  I am reminded of Thomas Paine's complaint that Christianity with its threats of damnation had failed to solve the serious problems.   Franklin responded that with those threats it had not been completely effective what will it be like without them?  I fear the answer stands before us.

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