
Monday, July 11, 2022

Hawai'i Seems to Have Gone Shall Issue

 Hawai'i Attorney-General sent a directive post-Bruen that "good cause" is no longer required.  There is a list of circumstances that would make someone not suitable for a license:

1. Whether the applicant has been involved in recent incidents of alleged domestic violence; 

2. Whether the applicant has been involved in recent incidents of careless handling or storage of a firearm;

 3. Whether the applicant has been involved in recent incidents of alcohol or drug abuse; 

4. Whether the applicant has been involved in other recent violent conduct. 

That does not seem a particularly silly list, unlike California.

Because Bruen recognized that either open carry or concealed carry had to be available, the open carry licensing remains pretty much the same.  Don't scare the tourists and keeping thugs guessing is really the best solution.

1 comment:

  1. Of course the weasel word here is "recent", which, like the other weasel word beloved by politicians, "Reasonable", can mean almost anything. Six months? One year? Two years?
    Without more clarification, this is where the "body" of Shall Issue in Hawaii will be buried.
