
Tuesday, July 19, 2022

FBI Report on Active Shooters

Active Shooter Incidents in the United States in 2021  There are no great surprises.  Active shooter incidents were flat until 2020, rising in 2020 and 2021.  In 2021 2 out of 61 shooters wore body armor.  14 were killed by law enforcement; 4 by citizens. 12 of the 61 incidents met the federal definition of mass murder.  The number one state for active shooters was California with six.  This is unsurprising; they are the most populated state and those assault weapon laws are clearly doing a great job!  The average casualties have fallen substantially since 2017 (largely because of the high casualty count from the 2017 Las Vegas shooting).

Citizen Engagement and Casualties

In two incidents, citizens engaged the shooter.

In one incident citizens sustained injuries.

In one incident, seven employees exchanged

multiple volleys of gunfire with the shooter,

four of them during the final encounter

resulting in the death of the shooter.

Two people were killed (one customer and one

employee) and two employees were wounded

(one was shot in the arm and one in the leg).

The shooter was killed at the scene by armed


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