
Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Where is Our Civil Defense?

5/31/22 [U.K.] Sun:
"The politician, Alexie Zhuravlev, was joined on the talk show by fellow MP and Russian-state mouthpiece Yevgeny Popov, the host of the Rossiya 1 channel show.

The lawmaker claimed that two of Russia's Sarmat 'Satan 2' missiles would destroy the entirety of America's east coast - before adding it would take just "two missiles for the west coast" as well.

"Four missiles and there'll be nothing left.

"They think the mushroom cloud will be taller than a high rise. That mushroom cloud will be visible from Mexico" said Zhuravlev."

And just to complete the horror:

"As well as threatening to wipe out the United States with their nuclear capabilities, the unsettling conversation also covered the crisis in Ukraine, as the hosts repeated the 'nazification' theme of Russia's invasion.

Describing them as "incurable," Zhuralev stated that two million Ukrainians should "be de-nazified, which means to be destroyed."

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