
Friday, May 13, 2022

Post-Partum Depression

 There are so many incidents like this: recently birthed mother with no apparent reason for her actions:

Glasgow, Mont. (1945)

05/25/1945: The mother, 26, threw five of her children, ranging in age from 3 weeks to seven years, into a river, then jumped in as well.  Only the 7-year-old survived.

Category: family

Suicide: yes

Cause: mental illness?

Weapon: drowning[1]

[1] "Mother Kills Children, Self," Salt Lake Tribune, May. 26, 1945, 9.

If you know a recent mother (or "birthing person" for those living on Planet Woke, or its dependencies on the coasts) who seems to be having difficulties with the adjustment, make sure that you are there for her (or zer, as the pronoun may be).

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