
Friday, May 6, 2022

Let Me Shout Louder!

I really need a cartoon of a midget in a stormtroopers uniform to go with this.  

Russia Ambassador to U.S. Says NATO Not Taking Nuclear War Threat Seriously

Yes.  You are really prepared to see the total population of Russian-speakers living above ground reduced to a few thousand?  Seriously.  Is little man Putin really that insecure that he cannot admit that he engaged in a truly unprecedented level of egomaniac stupid?


  1. We're seeing that a lot of Russian kit doesn't work. However, if it comes to a nuclear exchange, I suspect a lot of American weapons won't work, either. We'd probably manage to destroy Russia's command and control, but that's going to leave a lot of army running around Russia without any external control. They certainly won't be able to resist China taking all the resources of Siberia.

    1. I suspect that based on recent wars, our stuff will work more reliably. Russia except as a European remnant will likely be gone.

  2. One factor that should be kept in mind: Russia has a very extensive bomb shelter system, that is reported to be able to handle 90+% of it's citizens. The US has virtually nothing, except a few near DC for the "leaders".

    One question is how many of ours and their warheads are actually functional? They require refurbing at regular intervals (unsure of time span) to remain viable. Fresh tritium is one of the requirements.

    1. I suspect the Russian contractors who keep their fallout shelters stocked are as honest as the ones resupplying the Russian Army. Fortunately, even a few days rising tensions will cause large numbers of Americans to build adequate shelters.
