
Thursday, May 12, 2022

I'll Huff, and I'll Puff, and I'll Blow Your Sauna Down

 5/12/22 Reuters:

LONDON, May 12 (Reuters) - Russia said on Thursday that Finland's bid to join NATO was a hostile move that "definitely" posed a threat to its security.

The Kremlin said it would respond but declined to spell out how, saying this would depend on how close NATO moves military assets towards the 1,300 km (800-mile) Finnish-Russian frontier.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said Russia would need to take "retaliatory steps, both of a military-technical and other nature, in order to stop threats to its national security arising".

"Helsinki must be aware of the responsibility and consequences of such a move," it said.

Finland is not Ukraine (and that has gone so well for Russia).  Finland has a modern military and a history of killing Russians in huge numbers.  They will not need emergency munitions supplies at the start, but the U.S. and U.K. have already committed to Finnish defense while waiting for NATO membership.  Putin is all hat and no cattle.

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