
Sunday, May 8, 2022

How Did I Miss This?

5/7/22 Boston Herald:

"Judge Shelley Joseph is gunning for ICE and former President Donald Trump in her no-holds-barred bid to stay out of jail.

In a federal court filing, prosecutors say Joseph “is on a fishing expedition” in demanding communications during the Trump administration.

The jurist — in line for a 12% pay hike as she collects $184,000 while on suspension — faces a federal obstruction of justice charge after being accused of aiding an illegal immigrant’s escape from an immigraiton agent in her Newton district courtroom in 2018."

If you read the article, you find out that she told the ICE agent that the illegal alien would be released to the lobby and directed the ICE agent to leave the courtroom. Then she had her bailiff escort the illegal alien out the back door of the courthouse. 

Both judge and bailiff are now charged with obstruction of justice.  What has amazed me was that the Trump DOJ never any local officials with helping the hiding of illegal aliens which is a federal felony.  I am thrilled to see that if Biden appointees to the U.S. Attorneys are prosecuting this criminal who is still collecting $184,000/year while suspended and under prosecution.

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