
Friday, February 18, 2022

This Will Cost the Students Nothing, Of Course

 2/17/22 College Fix:

An initiative by the University of Michigan to hire 20 new “anti-racism” faculty has moved into the third round of hiring, according to a recent statement from the school.

“The Anti-Racism Faculty Hiring Initiative, one of the Office of the Provost’s programs and activities to address systemic racism, will begin its third round of proposal submission and review in March,” the Feb. 11 announcement stated.

In 2021, the Michigan provost announced the school would be hiring 20 new tenured or tenure-track faculty members with scholarly expertise in racial inequality and structural racism to schools and colleges across campus.

Will this be a new department:  Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE)?  Could that money have spent tutoring BIPOC students who find a college campus a challenging environment?  (Of course, many white students find that as well, but white people do not matter to the privileged whites that cause these programs.)

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