
Wednesday, February 16, 2022

I Never Cease to be Amazed at These Face Plants

  2/14/22 Washington Examiner:


"If you open this up to ice fishing, while on the surface it sounds good, then what happens next year? Does someone come back and say they want an ice shanty?" Shubert said in a video of the City Council meeting. "Then, if you allow ice fishing with shanties, then that leads to another problem, prostitution, and now you've got the police chief, police department involved."

His faux pas was at a public meeting so on Twitter it went.  I think ice fishing leads to unlicensed nuclear reactors. (Those shanties are cold.) 

1 comment:

  1. "Aitkin County Sheriff Bill Sobey said late last fall one of his deputies investigated a report that a pair of local women were selling sex in the area, but they couldn't get enough evidence to make an arrest.

    'I used to always figure it was just talk,' Sobey said. 'I've never had a fish house myself, so I've never had a chance to find out.'

    Jim Forbord, a state conservation officer, said he wouldn't be surprised if the story is true.

    'When you check houses you run into everything under the sun,' he said. 'You don't know if they're girlfriends, boyfriends, wives or what. Sometimes I have to let them pull on a blanket before I come in."

    I found the above quote as I'm skeptical enough to look for the complete video or transcript to find the complete context. I found an Ohio TV report from the nearest large TV market, and the reporting team decided to ask local Ohio law enforcement if they'd ever investigated prostitution in relation to ice fishing shanties. This rung alarm bells for me, because they'd quoted him as saying he was aware of this from his time in the news media, but they didn't report if, when, and where he had been in the news media. So asking LOCAL law enforcement struck me as intentional mis-direction.

    The answers are yes, 1980s, small-market TV stations in Iowa and MO.

    Source of quote above: '; there is a similar AP report from the same week.
