
Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Windows 10 Seems Intent on Keeping All Your Files in Their Cloud

 I tried to change the definitions of ThisPC->Documents and ThisPC->Pictures to actually be on my PC.  Properties->Location lets you change the location to C:\Users\clayton/Documents but then wants to move everything from OneDrive to that new location.  If you say no, it complains that there is a folder in that location already.  Yes, you idiot!  I do not want to have my documents default to the cloud.

If I go to \Users\clayton, I cannot open My Documents.

I have found a solution.  

1. On your Desktop, right click New->shortcut

2. Browse to C:\Users\username\My Pictures  (this may vary depending on the naming convention)

3. Next

4. Enter a name for this object (e.g., Pictures)

5. Finish

6. Right click that icon; Pin to Quick Access

7. In Windows Explorer (or whatever that folder looking thing is called now) Select the old name that points to OneDrive, right click and Unpin From Quick Access.

Not simple but not impossible.


  1. When you got the computer, did you create a Microsoft account or a local one? (if you're using Home, starting last year, Microsoft has been making it difficult to avoid using a Microsoft account--you almost need to get Pro to skip it.)

    1. I tried to set up a local account without success. I am using Pro.

  2. I've got my OneDrive disabled. I never have these problems.
    Try this:

    If you want to disable OneDrive, you can choose to disable it on startup.
    Right-click on the Taskbar and choose Task Manager.
    In the pop-up window, go to the Startup tab.
    Then select Microsoft OneDrive and choose Disable.
    After that, restart your computer and the OneDrive will no longer start with Windows.
