
Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Why Do I Have to Read Foreign Newspapers to Find Out What is Happening in America?

 11/12/21 Daily Mail:

The judge presiding over the Kyle Rittenhouse trial has been slammed as a racist and had his life threatened in a torrent of abusive and menacing emails, letters, postcards and faxes received by Kenosha County Courthouse and seen by has reviewed the hundreds of offensive communications sent to Judge Bruce Schroeder, and today we can reveal the extraordinary outpouring of vitriol that the high-profile trial has inspired.

One email, sent Wednesday, reads simply, 'Wow way to name a white skinhead hot head to be a judge. No wonder they burn down your city.'

Others calls for the 'racist' judge, the longest serving in the county, to be dismissed and disbarred.

One addressed to 'Your Honor' reads, 'I didn't know that under your black robes of justice you wear a white robe of the klan. There is no way a fair trial can be heard under your supervision. Better yet, resign.'...

Among the most disturbing messages to the judge was one that threatens the lives of the judge's children, promises 'pay back,' and states that Rittenhouse 'won't live long' if acquitted.

The email, much of which is too offensive to reproduce, states the hope that one day Judge Schroeder's 'kids become victims to the most heinous homicide known to man so he feels the pain an [sic]we will call his kids not victims but b******s.'

That so many are only semi-literate says much about the quality of Victim Studies programs at our universities. 


  1. I was shocked to find out that fully half the Liberals and nearly all black people think that the "Victims" of Kyle Rittenhouse were black.
    Seriously, that is what they they assume this is all about race.
    Not that it matters....THe race of the attacker matter little when one is being attacked.
    But the media has portrayed him as a racist who shot black people, so Rittenhouse MUST be a racist...and the judge, because he did not immediately rule against the kid, must ALO be a racist.
    Odd how Liberal minds work, innit?

    1. The two dead men, and the wounded man are now, just as George Zimmerman was a "white" Hispanic, "black" whites.
      Just another example of the warped and bizarre thinking of our media watchdogs.

  2. ... and then there's the prosecuting attorney, who aims an AR-15 at the jurors during his closing arguments, and portrays the Kenosha looters as heroes, victimized by Rittenhouse and others who were trying to defend their lives and property.

    Hopefully common sense will prevail. I guess we'll know soon.
