
Wednesday, September 15, 2021

This Vaccination Requirement Must Be REALLY Important

9/9/21 Washington Post:
  • U.S. Postal Service workers were not included in Biden’s executive order requiring all federal employees to get vaccinated against the coronavirus.
What branch is most heavily black?  And who is most vaccination hesitant?  Maybe Biden does not care if blacks die?

A reader points out that USPS employees are not federal employees.  The USPS was theoretically privatized several decades ago.  They would be subject to the employers with >100 employees requirement.  Never trust Fake News from the official media!

As a commenter observed many of the vaccine hesitant have already recovered and do not need the vaccine.   More than 32 million have recovered.  Suddenly the vaccine hesitant do not sound so high.


  1. Members of Congress, Federal Judges, Staffers Exempt From Vaccine Mandate

  2. Postal Workers aren't included under the ""Federal Employees" mandate because of some quirks regarding the USPS being an "Independent Agency" but they are included in the "more than 100 employees" mandates regarding vaccination or weekly testing.

  3. Got to keep the Postal workers on your side - got to make sure the right votes are delivered and the wrong ones lost.

  4. I'm sure it has more to do with how well they are organized to defy the order and the negative impacts of mail not getting delivered. Missed social security checks has a big impact on voter selection.

  5. My understanding is that was an erroneous report and the USPS IS subject the the EO.

    1. Fake news? Washington Post is approved news source.

    2. Pick your source:
