
Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Reach Out and Touch Someone's Life


Ormsby, Minn. (1921)

09/05/1921: The father chloroformed his wife and their five children and shot them.   He then committed suicide.  There were no obvious rational reasons for this murder-suicide.  He had quit his job as a bank cashier six weeks before; he gave the bank no explanation for his resignation.  His accounts were in order according to the bank.  The day before the murders, he went around town paying all outstanding debts in cash.  The article: “Temporary insanity is the only explanation friends make.”

Category: family

Suicide: yes

Cause: mental illness

Weapon: pistol[1]

All of these stories make me sad; some more than others. You read a news account like this and you wish that someone had reached out to this guy in the days before and made some sort of connection that either identified a problem or gave this guy a reason to live.  

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