
Monday, March 15, 2021

To Those Who Think This is a Hoax

Even if the 334,000 more deaths in 2020 compared to 2019 are bogus, why didn't Trump inform us during the campaign that it was a hoax?  He could have coasted to an easy victory. 

1 comment:

  1. I don't think COVID-19 was a hoax, but I do think the risk to the vast majority of the population was wildly over-stated.

    Please note that excess deaths from all causes will include deaths caused by the responses to COVID-19. Any person who missed needed medical care because the hospitals were basically shut down falls in that list. Those people who lost their jobs and their hope and committed suicide are in that list. Those who succumbed to the bottle or a drug overdose, whether caused or exacerbated by the response is in that list.

    Also, never forget that Trump is an admitted germophobe. He is naturally inclined to over-react to a scary new disease.

    Does COVID-19 exist? Yes. Is it the next Spanish Flu? Probably not. Will it be with us for a long time? Almost certainly. Some suspect that the 1889 Russian Flu was a coronavirus. It is now one of the maladies that composes the common cold.

    The world has not ended yet and this latest malady will not directly lead to the end of the world. We just need to ensure that the response does not bring that about...
