
Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Reasonably Priced Reactive Targets?

 I have always preferred gong targets over paper.  

Paper is good for zeroing, and seeing spread, but especially for defensive use, there seems to be some advantages to the immediate feedback for improving aim.  

The reactive ones at Midway are all hideously expensive.  Does anyone know of a less expensive source?  The swinging plate ones look like they should be pretty cheap to make: a few circles of 1" thick steel; a stake about six feet long; some rotating assemblies for the circles to swing around the stake; probably some stops to prevent the circles from going too far around.

This looks more reasonable.


  1. Check out these ballastic polymer ones:
    The blocks & balls you just chase around. They also have various spinners. Get one rated for the ammo you'll shoot it with and it will self-heal for a very long time.

  2. KCSteve: Just ordered the bouncing ball and one of the spinners. Cheap enough to try. And much lighter than metal.
