
Saturday, March 13, 2021

Idaho Constitution Article XIV Has Interesting Text

This is the Militia section.  Article 6:
SECTION 6. IMPORTATION OF ARMED FORCES PROHIBITED. No armed police force, or detective agency, or armed body of men, shall ever be brought into this state for the suppression of domestic violence except upon the application of the legislature, or the executive, when the legislature can not be convened.

Clearly this prohibited Pinkerton's detectives.  But what does "armed body of men" include?  National Guard of other States?

And yes, I am looking for a loophole where the Idaho government can break an AW ban by declaring all adults member of some official entity other than unorganized militia which the President and Congress clearly have authority to disarm or perhaps ship to Alaska for defense from Siberian huskies.


  1. Clayton my esteemed brother in Christ, I encourage you to drive on in such endeavors as this (and the previous regarding government schools and college).

    I will simply provide the first thought that came to mind when I read your posts today
    regarding your research. It came from the Book of Esther: "And who knows but that you have come to your position for such a time as this?"

    Press forward brother.

  2. Clayton my esteemed brother in Christ, I encourage you to drive on in such endeavors as this (and the previous regarding government schools and college).

    I will simply provide the first thought that came to mind when I read your posts today
    regarding your research. It came from the Book of Esther: "And who knows but that you have come to your position for such a time as this?"

    Press forward brother.

  3. Does Idaho have a state defense force. SDF forces cannot be disbanded by congress, or federalized.

  4. Does Idaho have a State Defense Force organization?
