
Friday, March 12, 2021

I Know That They Are Somewhere

 Moving loses everything.  I need at least one resistor 5K ohms, ideally a 1K ohm resistor as well, but if you have anything between those, and one LED.  My original plan was to put an LED in the equatorial platform for Big Bertha to tell me if the batteries are gone.  The maker now includes this in new versions, and has graciously provided instructions.  But the packet of LEDs and resistors that I bought before the move has vanished.  I did find other useful stuff during the search.

So, do you have any of the desired parts?  I hate to buy 100 LEDs or 100 resistors when I need one of each, and I am sure one of you likely has what I need sitting in a drawer unused.


  1. What wattage? I have a bunch of tiny resistors my aunt gave me way back in the seventies when I was actually making things with resistors and transistors and such.

    1. Not sure of the wattage, but is very low, I am sure. The worst that happens is that I release the inner smoke.
