
Saturday, December 12, 2020

The Supreme Court Rejected Texas' Appeal

 It is going to be an ugly four years as journalists concerned about government wrongdoing go to sleep so that Biden's wealthy cronies resume exporting jobs to China and increasing the economic power of the next likely military enemy of the U.S.  I wish the Republican majorities in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, and Michigan had pursued efforts to prevent vote fraud, but the Never Trumpers remain in positions of power.  I wonder how much economic destruction Biden will cause before working Democrats realize what a mistake they made.


  1. Does the President's son, Raymond have anything to say about this?

  2. "I wonder how much economic destruction Biden will cause before working Democrats realize what a mistake they made."

    The coming economic downturn will be blamed on Trump and the Republicans (you watch, Krugman will cheer lead this story), and the people who voted against Trump despite every economic indicator showing how much better EVERYONE did under Trump's administration, despite peace agreements in the ME, despite no new wars and the winding down of old ones, will buy the story.

    I am rather pessimistic.
