
Saturday, December 19, 2020

But a Lot of Those Are White, So It Does Not Matter

12/18/20 UPI:

The number of U.S. drug overdose deaths reached a record high as the coronavirus pandemic held the country in its grip last spring, new government data shows.

For the 12 months ending in May, more than 81,000 people died from an overdose. That is the highest number ever recorded during a 12-month period, scientists from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said....

"We are at a dangerous crossroads in the pandemic with so many people in economic distress, many of whom are isolated with substance abuse disorder, depression and anxiety -- and compounded with job losses and lack of economic support," Glatter noted. "We must do more to support such individuals who are at high risk for overdose."

From what I know of their culture (some of it through my late brother-in-law), if they have jobs at all, they are in the service sector, so as far as our masters are concerned, they don't matter.

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