
Saturday, October 17, 2020

Vacationing in Ketchum

With my daughter,  son-in-law and grandkids.   We went to Craters of the Moon today.  This was the second time for my wife and I but first time for them.  It is a startling and desolate beauty place.  Pictures when I get home.  I used my Canon 12 MP camera,  unaware that the camera on my phone is 13 MP.  My wife noticed what is certainly peacock ore (tin) as well as native copper and gold on the surface of the lava.  Very impressed that she figured it out.  (I have more contact with peacock ore than she does.)

We hiked out to the tree molds where lava molded around trees before thru eventually burned away.   It wad more than 3 miles round trip on uneven lava.  Tiring, but I made it without getting short of breath, even at this altitude. 

1 comment:

  1. All megapixels are not created equal. Sensor size matters a lot.
