
Tuesday, September 1, 2020

This Story is Getting Lots of Attention

 Someone mentioned it at men's Bible study last night.  A story is floating around Facebook (the go-to source for accurate news:-)) that CDC has adjusted their numbers to show only 9,210 deaths.  Reading the CDC report immediately showed that this was wrong.  This 9/1/20 Detroit Free Press story explains it well:

The NCHS report shows that the vast majority of coronavirus-related deaths occur in patients with comorbidities. But that doesn’t mean COVID-19 wasn’t a factor.

"A small number of people have COVID ascribed as the sole cause of death. It may be they had no comorbidities or they were just not noted," said Dr. Myron Cohen, director of the Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. "However, it is also clear that advanced age and several other underlying diseases lead to bad outcomes with COVID infections. The people dying were not going to die but for the acquisition of COVID." 

Remember: social media is for the most part ignorant people spreading "authoritative" rumors faster than a 1950s elevator car discussion. 


  1. "The people dying were not going to die but for the acquisition of COVID."

    Everyone is going to die, it's only a question of when.

    The people dying would have not died when they did, had they not acquired COVID.

  2. Here:

  3. I posted that with a link to the CDC, FB declared it false...

  4. "The people dying were not going to die but for the acquisition of COVID."

    What a ludicrous statement. Such conclusionary nonsense would not even be allowed in a courtroom. It is speculation and a conclusion that sits in mid-air without any evidence, and yet is postulated as fact.

    Absent autopsy and pathology reports on every individual, that conclusion is specious at best. It also begs the parallel: "The people dying were not going to die but for the presence of comorbidities."

    Insurance actuarials are more accurate than this spin.

  5. The CDC report does say that 6% of the reported deaths were from covid alone.

  6. BFR: Some would have died whether infected or not. How many? Hard to know (except by God).

  7. caretaker1611: As that quote points out, doctors may not be checking the ICD-10 boxes for comorbid conditions. Doctors are pretty busy right now.

  8. go to the source dont rely on a newspaper
    ". For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death. "

  9. So classifying a motorcycle death or alcohol death as covid is ok? And then to build extra hospitals that had few patients. And then layoff doctors and nurses because there were no patients. Give me a break.

  10. The real takeaway should be, that as many suspected months earlier, reasonably healthy individuals have a very low death rate from COVID. So emphasizing protection of high risk people would be a much better strategy than blanket policies like lockdowns.

  11. The takeaway should be that risk from COVID is pretty low if you don't have significant preexisting conditions. Unfortunately most reporters who get stories like this know very little about the subject.

  12. PeterK: I did. The 6% number is only those labeled COVID without any known comorbid conditions, what the quoted article observed. Probably no one dies of COVID directly, but of lethal symptoms.
