
Sunday, September 27, 2020

BLM Creating Entirely New Subgroups

 9/24/20 New York Post:

A California man has been using his family’s vineyard as a “tactical training camp” before he mowed down a group of protesters in his truck, federal authorities said.

Benjamin Jong Ren Hung, 28, was busted Wednesday on gun crimes stemming from him driving into a demonstration May 31 in Pasadena, according to a federal criminal complaint.

Federal agents detailed in the complaint how Hung drove his Dodge Ram — which was adorned with flags embraced by right-wing extremists — into a group of protesters who had been chanting, “Black lives matter here.”

”The victims were forced to run out of the way to avoid being struck,” the affidavit said.

What next?  Jewish neo-Nazis?  But one led the Skokie march when I was young.  Not only Jewish; his father survived the Holocaust.


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