
Friday, August 21, 2020

Remember: Concern About Mail-In Voter Fraud is a Right-Wing Talking Point

 See 8/19/20 New York Times:

In the days before New Jersey’s third-largest city held municipal elections in May entirely by mail, postal workers became suspicious when they found hundreds of ballots bundled together.

The discovery triggered an investigation that led to charges of voter fraud against two local elected leaders and resulted in nearly 20 percent of the ballots being rejected. It also prompted President Trump to cite the case as an example of how mail-in voting can corrupt elections, though election experts staunchly disagree.

On Wednesday, a New Jersey judge ruled that the election in Paterson, N.J., had been irreversibly tainted and ordered a new vote to be held in November to settle the race for the City Council seat.

Hundreds of ballots bundled together.   Imagine if New Jersey Democrats were smart

1 comment:

  1. So, in other words, voter fraud can happen but not to the extent that the outcome of an election is affected, even though one ballot in five has been rejected. Elections are decided on margins narrower than one ballot in twenty.
    When you lived in Santa Monica, do you remember the Airport Commission proudly announcing after every airplane crash near the airport that no one on the ground has ever been killed by an airplane from Santa Monica Airport? About fifteen years ago, someone was, so they don't say that anymore.
    I don't know what the Democrats will say now. Never in this state? Mostly legit? That's like saying the Imperial Japanese Navy airplanes that attacked Pearl Harbor were mostly peaceful on a miles-flown basis.
