
Saturday, August 1, 2020

If This is Really Someone's Name...

We were watching Psych last night and Gus uses the verb cozen, to Shawn's disgust because no one knows what "cozen" means.  I am reading yet another collection of science fiction stories and the verb "cozen" appears.  I think of myself as pretty literate but seeing this word to findtwice in less than 24 hours and having no idea what it means see we're not m.h e Googling.   It means trick or deceive or to obtain by trickery.   So imagine my surprise to find a investment firm named Cozen O'Connor  Right up there with Mel Blanc's law firm Dewey Cheatham & Howe.


  1. Seeing such an obscure word twice in a small amount of time sounds like what Scott Adams calls a glitch in the simulation.

  2. I was amused for many years to infrequently pass a building with a sign out front for "Cavalier Asset Management". I believe it was a small time manager of rental housing, and I don't really know whether they were cavalier or responsible in their management of the property assets entrusted to them.

  3. There are people named Robb, Swindell (occasionally spelled Swindle), and Crook.

    Cozen is probably a variant of Cousins.

  4. The American Spectator's masthead used to claim their legal counsel was "Solitary, Poor, Nasty, Brutish, and Short".

  5. I always though the Three Stooges came up with it: I stand corrected.
