
Saturday, August 15, 2020

Electric Lawnmowers

 I have always preferred electric motors over combustion engines (both internal and external).  Partly this is maintenance and longevity.  I have never owned a device that failed because its electric motor failed.  Everything else might fail but never the motor!

A neighbor's gardeners were hard at work this morning, using the quietest lawnmower that I have ever heard.  Then it struck me, no explosions!


  1. I listen to Sirius XM and my favorite Dj - Kristine Stone - has mentioned that she also prefers an electric mower but her problem is battery life. Apparently she hasn't found one yet that gives enough battery life. Not that she's been able to try all that many, of course, since she's not made of money.

    So make sure you research battery life and how much extras cost.

  2. For many years, I've been running through the cheapest lawnmowers I could find.

    I had a decent one, once. But one year it wouldn't start. Didn't need much, just a carburator job, but getting it looked at was a six week wait and $75 minimum charge.

    And a new crappy lawnmower was $125-$150.

    So I'd buy the cheapest mower I could find, run it for two or three years until it broke, give it away to someone who was able to rebuild it, and buy another.

    And this last time, I saw the price of electrics had come down to what I thought I could afford. I've been very happy with it.

  3. "I have never owned a device that failed because its electric motor failed."

    In my experience, I've had numerous electric motors to fail, which commonly results in replacement of the entire device, with some exceptions like appliances and commercial fans. In many cases it's impossible/impractical/uneconomical to try to replace the motor. I've lost count of my ceiling fans alone whose motors failed. Suffice it to say a MAJORITY of them. So I would NOT say they don't fail.

    At the same time, I don't recall ever having to sell or scrap a machine powered by an internal combustion engine due to engine failure severe enough to not fix it. This includes small engines and 2-strokes.

    In addition, I have replaced quite a few failed electric motors powering accessories on IC engine driven equipment (typically 12-volt motors for starters, wipers, washers, windows, compressors, fans, etc.), so there is that.

    I also noticed that electric motors are even quieter after they quit. :)
