
Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Almost Parody

 8/17/20 CBC:

A doctor accused of being at the centre of the COVID-19 outbreak in the Campbellton region in May that claimed two lives, infected dozens and forced that northern part of New Brunswick back into the orange phase of recovery is facing a charge under the provincial Emergency Measures Act.09

Dr. Jean Robert Ngola has been issued an appearance notice to attend Campbellton provincial court on Oct. 26 under Section 24(1)(b) of the act for alleged failure to comply with a direction, order or requirement, his lawyer, Joël Etienne, confirmed to CBC on Sunday.

Quoting his lawyer: 

"The singling out of a racialized medical worker by a premier and his government, the calling out to criminalize a racialized medical worker by a premier and his government, the scapegoating of a racialized medical worker by a premier and his government is tantamount to conduct unprecedented in North American history," he said. "No other jurisdiction has ever done what New Brunswick has done in these matters."

What exactly is a "racialized" person?  Even the worst jargon of the race victim industry doesn't use this word, to my knowledge.  And "unprecedented in North American history"?  Ignorance of history is a terrible thing. 

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