
Saturday, July 18, 2020

100W Equivalent LED Bulbs Insufficient

The only useful spam that I have ever received was for this LED light fixture that plugs into a standard socket and gives you 10,000 lumens of sunlight white.  Over the mill now; my wife says we are now ready to perform autopsies.  Far easier and cheaper than installing one of those linear shop LED fixtures.  Just unscrew your current bulb and screw this in.


  1. I have already installed the in the Garage and Attic. WOW they are great, they really light up the whole space. BJ's Whole club is selling the for $25 ea.

  2. And you've inspired my ever-indulgent wife. Mine will be here tomorrow. If she likes the first test, more may follow.

    Nice thing is, it's easy to move one around to see how it would work in various spots.

  3. And ours arrived. Don't need a second one in the garage - the one is enough, but I believe we will be getting one for the laundry area.
