
Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Not the Best Season But These Aerial Shots of the House We Will Be Listing Shortly Really Catch the Feel of the Place



  1. Remind me again why you're leaving this place?

    My only gripe is the lack of trees. I'll guess the climate there doesn't support them all that well. The wind must howl across those open hills.

    Maybe when I retire I should look into Idaho. I'm certainly not staying in Maryland. I can barely stand it now.

  2. To get closer to kids and grandkids. About a half hour closer; more on snowy nights.

  3. Nice, but man, that's some wide open country.

  4. Thanks for sharing these! I remember watching as you built this house. I got a vicarious thrill each time I saw a new piece of the house go up, or a new view over the mountains. It was a little escape from the tropical heat of urban Orlando where I live. I wish you well in the new place. :-)
