
Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Why Linux Will Never Replace Windows

The lack of profit motive means that nothing is kept operational.  I installed linuxCNC variant of Debian a couple years back on the now dead laptop and a few months ago in my VM under Windows.  I reinstalled the same ISO on this very fast Dell desktop connected to an Ethernet cable while waiting for a USB wifi that works with Linux.  The same version as under my VM, but apt-get update fails because the debian-security Release repository is expired.  Synaptic Package Manager can no longer see emacs, ddd, FileZilla and other useful utilities, even though it is still working on my VM.  Nor does anyone on the various Linus and linuxCNC forums seem to have a clue.

Just to be sure, I ftped the /etc/apt/sources.list file from the VM to my website, loaded it in my browser and copied it into the misbehaving Linux.  Nothing changed.

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