
Saturday, November 9, 2019

I Hate Using Firefox, But Opera No Longer Recognizes Mouse Clicks

It will not open a link unless you right click and ask to open a new tab.  How could you screw that up?


  1. Uh, you might want to check for upgrades or something with your computer. Normal clicking on Opera is working 100% for me.

  2. It may be due to some security setting.

    My employer imposes extremely tight controls on its network. A recent security update resulted in my needing to right-click to open most html links including web addresses in Internet Explorer and Edge. I have not seen this problem in Firefox.

    I dont know if this behavior is for a valid security issue or is just a bug. Nor do I know if it is the same thing as you are encountering w Opera.

  3. After some google-fu I found a few online postings of similar problems. One popular solution is to make the Microsoft browser the default browser which should clear the confusion in the software, then rest default to whatever browser you want. I have not tried this.

  4. Yeah, I know it's not helpful but it works for me. Could it be some configuration issue? Since learning that Opera was a viable alternative to Chrome or Firefox, I have happily used it exclusively and I haven't had any problems like you describe. I run Windows 10.

    I hope you get it fixed!

  5. Clayton,

    My iMac(s) and MacBooks work fantastic. One of the iMac's is 9 years old, and the Macbook is 13 years old. (The only thing I have done is one new battery for the Macbook.)

    With all of the years I have read of your Windows travails, I continue to encourage you to walk towards the light. For as smart as you are, you have been considerably stubborn in persevering what seems like a never-ending litany of problems.

  6. BFR: Windows 10 works better than Windows 7. Only Opera is a problem. When Apple stops pretending SJW (no sales in N.C. to protest transgender bathroom preemption while continuing to sell in countries where homosexual sex is a capital crime) I can consider them.

  7. W: Changed default to Edge and back to Opera. Fixed!

  8. Everything good about Mac's, these days, is that they're running Unix.

    And if you're going to run Unix, why pay the Apple tax? Just install Linux.

  9. Mine's not working either, for a number of days now. Frustrating!

  10. I found a thread on Reddit suggesting it could be an extension. One person said disabling Opera Turbo solved the problem; another said that turning off all extensions fixed it, and the problem did not recur when turning them back on.

  11. Clayton,

    If you eat food, use toothpaste, wear clothing, or own a car, you are still contributing to the same corporate ethics.

    And, I do not think you are an off-grid, paleo-nutjob, so go ahead and eat the meat sacrificed to idols. They are not real gods.

  12. Rick C: I had have one extension, the AdBlocker and it was disabled. Enabling it did nothing.

  13. BFR: Not every corporation is SJW and even many that are don't crow about it. What has Microsoft done that is equivalent?

  14. jdege: I like Linux, but it is still a long ways from being as consumer friendly as Windows, especially on drivers.

  15. Version 64.0.3417.92 just arrived and seems to work.

  16. My Version 64.0.3417.92 works fine, but so have all previous versions.

  17. I've been using Opera on-and-off all day, and I have no problems with it.

    Have you tried Vivaldi? It's a close cousin to Opera. (I use it occasionally too.)

    The only problems I have with Firefox, is that because I have some of the privacy options locked down so hard, some sites won't work at all. (Not having to deal with autoplaying video is worth it though.) For example, I can't comment on a BlogSpot blog on Firefox, mostly because Google wants me to allow 3rd party cookies. Which I won't do. So I'm typing this into Edge - the one browser I don't use.

    The only other choice is Pale Moon - which has sort of a classic Firefox look, but I have trouble with it using too much memory.
