
Monday, September 16, 2019


Over at Twitter a guy who did not vote for Trump in 2016 explains why the left has persuaded him to crawl over broken glass in 2020 to vote for Trump.  And the follow-ons say much the same thing. I was not thrilled to vote for him in 2016, but 2020 is no question now.  Watching the left's collapse into introspection (if that is even possible) is worth it.


  1. I'd like to see some Leftist introspection. This isn't introspection. The Democrat field of candidates and the debates are nothing but a wild attempt to find a beauty contestant appealing enough to beat Trump. The Republican field in 2016 was an attempt to find a candidate that Ms Clinton could beat. And we all know how that backfired on them.

  2. "The Republican field in 2016 was an attempt to find a candidate that Ms Clinton could beat."

    I got to respond to this...

    Scott Walker, Rick Perry, Rand Paul, and Ted Cruz were all seeking the nomination with the intent of throwing the election?

    And Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal, Ben Carson?

    It's my opinion that if the Republican candidate had been just about anybody but Trump, the election would have been a Republican landslide. There were quite a few people who suspected that Trump - a lifelong Democrat and old friend of the Clintons - was a dummy candidate put up by them.

  3. The ones that survived did so because of the media manipulation of the field.
