
Sunday, September 29, 2019

California Voters Too Stupid to Run State

9/25/19 CBS Sacramento:
VACAVILLE (CBS13) — You’ve likely seen the videos on social media or the local news: groups of people rushing into a store, grabbing armfuls of merchandise. The brazen crimes are on the rise and CBS13 has learned, in most cases, the crooks get away from authorities. 
After searching police reports and arrest records, CBS13 found that while the rate of these grab and dash crimes is on the rise, the rate of arrest is down. We turned to law enforcement and the retail industry for answers. Both blame a California law intended to make “neighborhoods safe.”
Prop. 47, approved by the idiot voters, raised the value limit for felony shoplifting from $450 to $950.  Most of these organized gang thefts are given a ticket a court date.  From looking at the videos, I am sure this is doing nothing for race relations in California.

Now Prop. 47 was needed. California repeatedly ignored court orders to correct their prison overcrowding--and the pictures that I have seen make those decisions seem completely reasonable.  The core problem is that California wants a culture of criminality, but not the costs of locking them up.  Full progressive thinking.


  1. "After searching police reports and arrest records, CBS13 found that while the rate of these grab and dash crimes is on the rise, the rate of arrest is down."

    Sounds like a Fox Butterfield moment to me. ("Crime is down, but there are more people in prison.")

  2. Our voters here are often pretty stupid, it's true- but how much of this is due to fraud is unknown. Our lords & masters in Sacramento, under orders from the High Priesthood of Progressives, have turned our voting system into Fraud Central.

    As the midterm elections proved, even conservative strongholds fall, once the motor-voter mail-in ballots can be bundled by partisans into election-changing weapons. Orange County, a "red" county, is now blue; not because they have changed, but because their votes were overruled by bundled ballots from God-knows-where!
