
Wednesday, August 14, 2019

A very Troubling Article

Read it, and get schedule open for sniper practice.  Let us hope that it does not come to this but the left's racial hatred is getting worse.


  1. You might want to edit this to make the link clickable.

  2. Afraid you just set yourself up for a Red Flag seizure of your guns, your RKBA, and maybe the lives of your wife and yourself.

    Although as a prominent RKBA activist, that's certain to happen anyway if Trump gets his way.

  3. The URL isn't recognized as a URL.

  4. We're in this absurd position because the "respectable right" adopted a watered down version of the left's idolatrous embrace of anti-racism. It would be nice if Boomer conservatives could reflect on their shared responsibility for this mess before organizing sniper practice, but that will never happen. Your generation's self-absorption and unearned sense of moral superiority is the wonder of the modern age.

  5. Che: I do not understand. Boomer conservatives arent the group promoting racial guilt or anti-Semitism.

  6. Karhu: Red Flag laws won't survive due process challenge. Encouraging others to a lawful sport is not in any way a Red Flag issue. I think Trump is just playing the Democrats. No such bill will get to him.

  7. About your response to Che: you're right, you're a Boomer, you don't understand.

    Due process challenges? They're in 17 states now, and versions of them have existed for decades, that take away a right first and claim to deliver due process later if you've got thousands of dollars to mount a serious defense to prove your innocence.

    I'm still surprised that you of all people, who knows very well that the Supreme Court has refused all firearms 2nd Amendment appeals prior to the NYC gun transportation one which can be decided on the narrowest of grounds, would be so confident these laws that are so popular with our Ruling Class, about which Angelo Codevilla has written a great deal, would be overturned by the courts.

    Trump is just playing with the Democrats in some underwater 4D chess game? No, he's a NYC liberal, which is only "conservative" today because of how much further the Left as whole has moved, a gun grabber as he made clear prior to running for President. He's already lost a great deal of support from gun owners, and is very close to being the most anti-gun President in five decades, since LBJ. A lot of us are wondering if he plus whatever Republicans manage to control in the Congress will be worse than a Democrat if he no longer has to worry about reelection. At the very least we now know we can't believe a word he says.

    As to no bill getting to him, remember that Mitch McConnell is owned by the PRC, see Peter Schweizer's Secret Empires, and they want Trump out of the Oval Office in the worst way. McConnell can possibly achieve that by not sandbagging the process in the Senate, depends on how many votes for Red Flag, worse background check, and "assault weapons" laws there turn out to be.
