
Monday, July 15, 2019

Running Ubuntu Linux

From a USB hard drive.  First step: see if the Lenovo USB Dock works. Maybe install VMWare with Windows 10 as client.  The GUI that it defaults to is certainly different from Windows--way different. To see all your applications, click Activities in upper left corner.  I think Debian's GUI is more intuitive.

My, that was fun.  I was informed that I should do a full update of the distribution, something like "sudo apt-get update"; it turns out that 109GB free on a 111GB drive is not enough.  So I verified that I could access files on the Windows hard drive.  I double clicked a very small Excel file, expecting either a complaint about no file type associated (or optimistically) opening LibreOffice Calc.  Instead both screens went black and dead.  I am increasingly unimpressed with Ubuntu Linux.  Microsoft is in no danger.

Maybe I will install Windows 10 on this USB hard drive, and use that to see if I can live with Windows 10.

But first, I installed Oracle VirtualBox to see if the problem installing ubuntu under VMWare might not be there under VirtualBox.  I must have installed VirtualBox in the past and there is a linuxCNC client under it, but it runs so slowly as to be useless.

I thought of installing debian on the USB hard drive, but it appears that Rufus deleted that ISO when installing on the USB hard drive.  Like I said a few days ago, Linux is so hard to get working in a useful manner that I am very close to just upgrading to Windows 10, perhaps dual boot Windows 7 & 10.


  1. OpenBSD often has a better laptop experience than Linux, and it's a lot more sane. But my 18.04 Ubuntu system with quite a few packages installed is taking up less than 10GB, not counting /tmp, /home, and /usr/local.

  2. I think that expanding the iso to the usb drive locked it from being updated. If you first install it to a different usb drive you could use that.

  3. OpenBSD for laptop? Did not even look for it.
