
Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Remember: NRA Was Responsible for Parkland Mass Murder

6/5/19 Orlando Sentinel:
When every second counted, as students were screaming and dying in their classrooms, school security officer Scot Peterson hid rather than respond. His inaction resulted in his arrest Tuesday on charges of neglecting his duty.
Peterson stood alone in the Broward County Main Jail’s prisoner assembly room for his first court appearance Wednesday morning. He is charged with seven counts of child neglect with great bodily harm, three counts of culpable negligence and exposure to harm, and one count of perjury, records showed.
His attorney:
 “Today, the individuals who have made this charging decision have taken the easy way out and blamed Mr. Peterson … when there has only ever been one person to blame – Nikolas Cruz.” 
And that's why millions of law-abiding gun owners must be punished!

1 comment:

  1. As a retired LEO, I know that all the other deputies knew that Peterson was worthless pretty quickly, and did not want to partner with him. If Sheriff Israel was unaware of this he was a totally blind incompetent. Clearly he did not assign Peterson to the school because he believed Peterson would provide those kids with a credible defense
