
Saturday, June 8, 2019

Holding an SJW College Responsible for Lying

6/7/19 Legal Insurrection:
The short version of this story is that the day after the 2016 election victory by Donald Trump, a black male Oberlin College student was stopped for shoplifting wine at Gibson’s Bakery and Market in downtown Oberlin, OH. Gibson’s had been in existence since 1885, was frequented by students, and also provided baked goods to the college dining halls. A scuffle ensued that was joined by two black female Oberlin College students accompanying the male shoplifter and apparently acting in concert with him. All three eventually would plead guilty to shoplifting and aggravated trespassing, and would avow that Gibson’s was not engaged in racial profiling.
But before those guilty pleas, students at the college immediately declared that Gibson’s was guilty of racial profiling, and large protests were organized outside the bakery. Flyers were passed out claiming Gibson’s was “racist” and had “a long account of racial profiling and discrimination.” The Oberlin College Dean of Students Meredith Raimondo allegedly participated in handing out the flyers in front of the bakery. The Oberlin College Student Senate also passed a resolution claiming Gibson’s “has a long history of racial profiling and discriminatory treatment of students and residents alike.” The college administration allegedly helped spread this student senate resolution.
Students started a boycott of the bakery, initially joined in by the college. The college eventually resumed business with the bakery, but then terminated that business after the lawsuit was filed.
Result: $11 million in damages.  Punitive damages, which might be treble damages, to be decided Monday.  Until rich SJWs are held liable for lying, nothing will change.

1 comment:

  1. You left out a few things:

    The protests were organized by the dean, and she used the colleges printers to print off flyers for the protest.

    THe college tried to muscle the bakery to drop charges or they would stop buying the baked goods...

    the college never stated that the Dean did not represent the college, nor did they do anything but facilitate, the protests, rather than try to denounce the charges of racism.

    Further, the college stated that the entire business was only worth $35K, less than the cost of one semester at the college for one student.

    You can be t that the college will also get hefty punitive damage payments.
