
Sunday, May 19, 2019

Weird That CNN Ignored This Mass Murder

Westmoreland, TN (2019)
4/21/2019: A man murdered seven members of his extended family in their home by “blunt force injuries” and “sharp force injuries.”  One survived.  Relatives described him as “mentally unstable for a long time.”
Category: family non-resident
Suicide: no
Cause: mental illness
Weapon: blunt objects, cutting instruments[1]

[1] “Seven killed in 'deadliest homicide event in Tennessee in at least 20 yrs.',” News Channel 5 Nashville, Apr. 27, 2019,, , last accessed May 18, 2019.; Alexandra Koehn, “Westmoreland murder case prompts question of mental health help available in Tennessee,” News Channel 5 Nashville, May 6, 2019,, last accessed May 18, 2019; Nick Beres, “Sole survivor could be the key in prosecution of suspect in Westmoreland murders,” News Channel 5 Nashville, May 13, 2019,, last accessed May 18, 2019.

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