
Monday, April 15, 2019

The Funniest Thing Today

Cher is all for open borders, until Trump says to send them Sanctuary cities and states:
Pop singer Cher seemed to do an about-face on the immigration issue, questioning why a city and state that “isn’t taking care of its own” should bring in and “take care of more.”
“I Understand Helping struggling Immigrants, but MY CITY (Los Angeles) ISNT TAKING CARE OF ITS OWN,” Cher said in a Sunday tweet. “WHAT ABOUT THE 50,000+????????Citizens WHO LIVE ON THE STREETS. PPL WHO LIVE BELOW POVERTY LINE,& HUNGRY? If My State Can’t Take Care of Its Own(Many Are VETS) How Can it Take Care Of More?”
Is there anyone better at exploding progressive heads than Trump?

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