
Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The Federal Government Should Cut Off Funding to Colleges With Racially Discriminatory Practices

4/24/19 The College Fix:
Wake Forest University is hosting a series of “listening sessions” for faculty and staff of color that aim to advance inclusion efforts on campus.
The listening sessions come amid ongoing racial tensions on campus, including a protest Monday at which some students decried the “white supremacy” that allegedly runs rampant at the private, North Carolina institution.
“Dear faculty and staff colleagues, this is a reminder about our upcoming listening sessions on inclusion that I am holding for faculty and staff of color over the next several weeks,” stated an April 18 email from Michele Gillespie, dean of the college, to campus employees.
Imagine white-only sessions to discuss black intimidation of white faculty.

1 comment:

  1. When you point that out to Leftists they quickly pivot to, "But they were spiritually impoverished, you see." Leopold and Loeb and George Harsh were spiritually poor, even though it is a canon of Leftist religion that material wealth is all it takes, spirituality is imaginary.
