
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Every Tragedy Has a Life Lesson

The Boston terrier/pit bull rescue dog we adopted a month ago had to go back.  My wife's account of it has some important life lessons:

We Are All Rescue Dogs
I had a sad day yesterday. I had to return a rescue dog that I adopted a while back. I cried throughout the day. My last moment with her was her huddling in my car, eyes dilated with fear as the assistant reached in to take her out of my car. Her fear was a stab to my heart, for I had lavished love, toys, snuggle time, play time, a safe yard (I had to put up a fence), a good buddy (my Springer spaniel), walks, runs, hikes and treats on her every day. I sang her songs, played games with her and tried to make her a part of our family, with no holds barred.

1 comment:

  1. We try to be christian and we try to help. You gave your foster some time and perhaps still a chance at a good life, just not with you.

    An adoption group near me was having their adoption day. A woman was looking at a dog and asking about him. The head of the adoption group however quickly told her the dog would not be a good addition to her home. The reason, the woman was carrying cat food and the group head knew the dog didn't get along with cats.

    My sister got an australian shepard. They love families, but are extreme on this: it would always bark at me or my parents when we came over. Everyone was an invader to be watched as the dog protected the immediate family. Her solution, unfortunately, was the death of my parents and my moving halfway across the country. I don't think they have half the visitors they had ten years ago when the boys were in Boy scouts, and the dog would bark at the boys. The dog is now quite old and its sibling died a year ago. Unfortunately, when Smokie passes my sister will be able to have more visitors.

    Our Deacon had a new baby. Suddenly her dog was growling and threatening the child. Turned out the dog was territorial and was interpreting the baby as an intruder. They sent the dog for a year to the Deacon's mother and then brought her back. That separation was what was needed to get her to go from growling to licking the child.

    You can not always predict the character of an animal. some will be good with other animals, some only good with their owners. My Sweet Gennie would allow other people to pet her. Her sister however only allows my touch. You learn and you adjust.

    Your shelter will note the dog's behavior. Hopefully the dog will find a new human, one who's lifestyle better matches the dogs personality. At the least you gave the dog some time: I will always note that though my Gennie didn't reach three years of age, without me she would have probably died on the street or in a shelter before she was even one year. WE do what we can for as long as we can.
