
Saturday, April 20, 2019

Ever Had a Really Bad Date?

The person who can't take a hint and keeps trying to set up a second date?  Here's how to make sure there is no second date.  4/19/19 USA Today:
PHOENIX – A woman accused of sending a man more than 159,000 text messages and breaking into his Arizona home wants her case to go to trial, believing a jury will find her innocent while also ordering her and the man she's accused of stalking to wed.
Those were among the comments made by Jacqueline Ades in a recent phone interview with The Arizona Republic from Maricopa County's Estrella Jail, where she has been held since May 2018.
Ades' case has garnered national attention after authorities said she continued to stalk a Paradise Valley man after a single date, broke into his home and sent thousands of text messages to him over the course of 10 months, including some in which she threatened to wear his flesh and devour his organs, according to Maricopa County Court records.
Yes, found mentally incompetent.   How do you text someone 159,000 times?  No job to go to?

And how did this mismatch made in hell come about?
According to the documents, Ades met the man on a dating website and began stalking him soon after, flooding him with text messages, sometimes as many as 500 in a single day.


  1. Well, she's the woman, she can't be crazy, she can't be wrong. If this boy of a man would only do as he should and commit for cryin' out loud! He just doesn't know what's good for him.
    Maybe he went to the bathroom during the date and saw James Caan in the mirror.
    I blame Third-Wave Feminism. Maybe Second-Wave, too.

  2. Experiment: text your wife "hi Honey" five hundred times. Document if you can do it in a day without resorting to bots. Also document if your finger doesn't fall off in the process. Mind you, you are documenting how much self-inflicted pain she was subjecting herself to by doing this 500 times a day (again, without the use of bots).
