
Sunday, March 24, 2019

This Comes Perilously Close to a Religious Exercise Viiolation

Maybe not even close.   3/22/19 Fortune:
Don’t plan on getting a Chick-Fil-A sandwich next time you fly through San Antonio Airport.
The city’s district council approved a new concession agreement for the airport on Thursday that will bring in more local establishments and specifically bans the popular chicken sandwich chain. At issue, apparently, is the donation of money by the Chick-Fil-A to groups that have been accused of discriminating against the LGBTQ community.
“With this decision, the City Council reaffirmed the work our city has done to become a champion of equality and inclusion,” said City Councilman Roberto Treviño. “San Antonio is a city full of compassion, and we do not have room in our public facilities for a business with a legacy of anti-LGBTQ behavior.”
Imagine a city airport that refused to rent space to a Muslim-owned business and said so.


  1. I am still waiting for the explanation of how Muslim Shariah law, abuse of women and killing homosexuals is so much better than Christianity....the Democrats owe us that (realize would have to hold my breath forever on that one). Maybe because it’s a religion of people of color? (Just a wild ass guess as to their possible answer.)

  2. Aside from the fact that it's only the owner, privately donating to organizations the left finds Nekulturny, not the corporation itself.....

  3. Doesn't look close, looks like it's a mile over the line to me.

  4. It isn't close - it is over the line - viewpoint discrimination and religious discrimination.

  5. Well, Christians are supposed to forgive, and they'll make sure there's something for them to forgive. As they see it, Muslims, on the other hand, get angry and violent. Or since Islam wasn't developed by Western Civilization it has to be subsidized and encouraged. Or maybe both reasons are true.

  6. Unknown... the Democrat ideology is so twisted that it does make sense in theirs. You see, Muslims are oppressed (in their weird world) while Christians are oppressors.

    Literally nothing matters other than who is more or less oppressed by whom, where oppression status is defined by membership in a group, not individual actions or even current actions.

  7. Yes, they give Islam a pass because they perceive it as primarily a religion of "people of color'" whereas Christianity and Judaism are viewed as religions of white oppressors. Or in other words because Mohammedans are non-white their killing of the sexually confused and enslavement of women is just fine, but any group that is White must be bad even if it doesn't kill gays, etc or enslave women. Makes as much sense as the beliefs of the Klan, Aryans, Nazis, etc... They are all Nucking Futs!
