
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Think of California Government as a Giant Con Game

3/4/19 Reuters.  Gov. Newsom announces that he is canceling the train to nowhere that is matching Defense Department cost overruns (and likely the result of higher levels of corruption).  The federal government which contributed three billion dollars to an entirely intrastate project wants its money back. California is calling foul.


  1. "California" Government. Nah...ALL government is a con-game. "Give us money and we'll take care of things..." But it's never enough money, is it...

  2. There are legitimate governmental functions. As the number and diversity of those functions increase, the competency of the legitimate functions decline.

  3. As a California resident, I hope that the contract between the federal level thieves and the state level thieves called for a 100% refund in the event construction did not take place as scheduled.
    The money will never go back to its rightful owners, and the potential for misuse is greater at the national level, but I really hope the thieves in Sacramento do not keep this money.

  4. Newsom did a good job of instantiating a conservative joke about it - the "Train to Nowhere."

    It is now planned to go from the bustling metropolis of Merced to the beloved Bakersfield. In other words, from nowhere to nowhere!

  5. I've been actually thinking of the California government in the same way someone in the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany could be considered a "Party Member". Rather than anyone among the "Rank and File" being a party member, only those who have been elected to some office, somewhere, as a Democrat are actual party members. Everyone else is at most window dressing if they were elected with a different party affiliation, and usually merely useful idiots to be handled like cattle.

  6. If we proposed a high speed train from San Diego to El Paso, with a future extension to Brownsville, to be protected by a high fence or wall for safety, could we get Democrats to vote for it?
