
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

No Surprise on This One

12/18/18 Orlando Sentinel reports that:
federal judge says Broward schools and the Sheriff’s Office had no legal duty to protect students during the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.'
U.S. District Judge Beth Bloom dismissed a suit filed by 15 students who claimed they were traumatized by the crisis in February. The suit named six defendants, including the Broward school district and the Broward Sheriff’s Office, as well as school deputy Scot Peterson and campus monitor Andrew Medina.
Bloom ruled that the two agencies had no constitutional duty to protect students who were not in custody.
If this surprises you, read  Warren v. D.C. (D.C.Cir. 2004).  Police arrive in clown car, and do everything possible to define neglect of duty.

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