
Saturday, December 22, 2018

Had a Marvelous Chat With a Brazilian Journalist Yesterday About Gun Control

You may be aware Brazil has restrictive gun control laws and a HUGE violent crime problem (obviously not connected).  The new President is pushing for shall-issue and this reporter was curious and race and gun control in America.  Among the URLs that I forwarded to her about discretionary permit issuance:

A federal appeals court Thursday upheld the witness-tampering conviction of former Orange County Sheriff Michael S. Carona, but it remained unclear when he might have to begin serving his 5 1/2-year prison sentence.
Carona has been free pending the ruling by the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Lawyers for the former sheriff acquitted of five other corruption counts had argued that jurors shouldn't have heard a secretly taped conversation in which Carona urged a colleague to lie to a grand jury on his behalf.
During a two-month trial in U.S. District Court in Santa Ana, prosecutors alleged that Carona accepted secret cash payments, had numerous illicit sexual affairs, and provided badges and concealed weapons licenses to campaign contributors.
11/21/18 Jewish Voice:
It is being reported that a financial supporter of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio who accused of bribing police falsified information on his 2014 gun-permit application, but saw it approved anyway because of his connections in the police department.
“Accused cop briber Jeremy Reichberg falsely claimed on his 2014 gun license that he was a manager for Taly Diamonds on Fifth Avenue — and in danger of being robbed — in order to get police permission to carry a concealed pistol on the streets of NYC, according to evidence at his trial,” was how the New York Post reported it.
According to the reports, the police department failed to realize that Reichberg had falsified information because he had been directed to them by Deputy Inspector James Grant, a witness testified at the trial in which Reichberg is accused of bribing Grant.
“Instead, the NYPD gave Reichberg permission to start carrying a weapon to protect his non-existent diamond job within two months — a fraction of the time it normally takes, according to the witness, Richard Ochetal,” said the Post.
 4/17/18 New York Post:
They might as well have a had a hotline: 1-800-GIFTS4GUNS.
A former city cop spilled his guts Tuesday, telling Manhattan jurors about years worth of bribes he and his fellow officers received for doling out gun permits — everything from cash, prostitutes and expensive watches to baseball memorabilia and exotic vacations.
David Villanueva, an ex-supervisor in the NYPD’s License Division, said he and other cops — including officers Richard Ochetel and Robert Espinel and Lt. Paul Dean — were on the take for years from so-called gun expeditors.

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