
Friday, November 30, 2018

Transgender As Social Pressure

A social worker relative sent me this July/August 2018 Atlantic article:
Claire humored her parents, even as her frustration with them mounted. Eventually, though, something shifted. In a journal entry Claire wrote last November, she traced her realization that she wasn’t a boy to one key moment. Looking in the mirror at a time when she was trying to present in a very male way—at “my baggy, uncomfortable clothes; my damaged, short hair; and my depressed-looking face”—she found that “it didn’t make me feel any better. I was still miserable, and I still hated myself.” From there, her distress gradually began to lift. “It was kind of sudden when I thought: You know, maybe this isn’t the right answer—maybe it’s something else,” Claire told me. “But it took a while to actually set in that yes, I was definitely a girl.”...
To reiterate: For many of the young people in the early studies, transitioning—socially for children, physically for adolescents and young adults—appears to have greatly alleviated their dysphoria. But it’s not the answer for everyone. Some kids are dysphoric from a very young age, but in time become comfortable with their body. Some develop dysphoria around the same time they enter puberty, but their suffering is temporary. Others end up identifying as nonbinary—that is, neither male nor female.


  1. The fundamental problem is with people who over-think the issue. Most of us do a check at some point, look inside our undergarments and go "Oh, I have a penis/vulva, that means I'm a boy/girl...", and then that's the last time we think about the issue.

    I've never seen a shapely person from the rear, thought "Wow, nice rear end...", and then upon discovery that the nice rear end in question actually belonged to a male, thought "Wow, I must be gay... I thought that guy looked good...". No, what I've thought, instead, was "Wow, I need to start looking at people a bit more carefully... While the rear end is nice, the beard is a bit of a turn-off...".

    Frankly, sexuality is pretty simple. To most of us--We get what we got in the lottery of life, and we're happy with it. The ones who aren't...? They're generally mentally "off", and will remain so no matter what they do.

    I'm going to project forth a few dozen generations, to when the ability to actually effectively swap genders is a "thing", and I'm gonna suggest that the "gender dysphoric" are still gonna be with us, and unable to make up their damned minds about which team they want to play on, sexually. The problem isn't with the bodies they're in, it's in the headspace and timing of the gray matter they're working with. Likely, there will be people who are constantly switching genders and sex roles the way some people change their clothes, today, an they'll still have that essential, inchaoate dissatisfaction with their lives.

    Frankly, I'd be happy with being a chick. If I were one, but I'm not, so I'm happy being a guy. There are some aspects to that which I look at and say "Well, that's a nice thing... Wish I could do that, but since I can't...? Oh, well.".

    You make the choice to be unhappy. You make the choice to be happy. Both genders have their upsides and downsides, so deal with what you got dealt, and shut the hell up. I'm really tired of the sexual obsessives in society that go on and on and on and on and on and on about their sexual issues, and I wish that the "love which dare not speak it's name" would just shut the hell up, now that it has found its collective voice. I'm starting to think that the reason homosexual and other deviant behavior was formerly suppressed the way it was wasn't due to prejudice, but simply a wish for silence on the matter in the public space...

  2. To quote Glenn Reynolds,"I thought the science was settled. "
