
Thursday, November 15, 2018

The Belt in That Previous Posting is About to Require Replacement

I have one more inward hole.  Even if I added another  (I use a drill press for that), the long end would be flapping in a foolish manner.  The good news this morning was 207.4 pounds, about 18 pounds from where I started aggressively dieting after my second myocardial infarct.


  1. Shouldn't your belt pass BEHIND the holster, not over the outside surface? I would think that passing your belt behind the holster would further reduce potential for "printing".

  2. Did I get that wrong? I though the holster went through the slot, over the outside and back through the other slot.

  3. The pictures I've seen of that style usually have the belt go the other way through the holes. (I've seen some that have loops in front of the gun, but it's pretty obvious in those the belt has to go on the outside.

    For example, this page has a picture of a holster that's been belted (scroll down a bit.)

  4. I think most people run the belt behind. However, running it over possibly makes it more stable. I've done the belt outside a few times with an IWB holster when I had to open carry, and needed the gun to show below a short jacket. Different mounting system, so, not same-same.

    Running the belt behind will certainly bend the slot tabs noticeably. When you look at a box of used belt holsters, that is what you see. These types of holsters often have decorative carvings or stampings on that outside surface, which would not be compatible with the belt across them.
