
Friday, November 2, 2018

Is There a Stronger Argument For Shall Issue in California?

10/30/18 KPIX:
OAKLAND (CBS SF) — A BART rider was placed under arrest Monday after the suspect was accused of pulling out two chainsaws while on a train in the East Bay, authorities confirmed.
A BART commuter shot video that was posted on Twitter Monday afternoon that showed the man waving around a chainsaw on a train. The person posting the clip said it happened on a train traveling from Fremont to Richmond....
Jalina Bluford, the woman who took cell phone video of the man in action, knew something was wrong....
In the clip, the suspect later identified as 47-year-old Patrick Bingham, picked up a red chainsaw and flicked the switch on it several times as he waved it in front of himself, yelling threatening comments.
At one point, he is heard to say “cut your freaking head off.”
“He did say a couple of things. He said something about ‘I’m the ‘Texas Chainsaw Massacre.” Then he said, ‘No, I’m the BART massacre,'” explained Bluford. 
Paging Captain Obvious!  Now if he had been naked, there would have been no problem.

1 comment:

  1. Chainsaws have a safety feature that requires you to use two hands to operate it. In all the movies the killer uses both hands, hence why Jason never weilded two chainsaws at once.
